Old Home Pottery
Hand made stoneware pottery; to be used every day. They are not only beautiful they are fully functional. This pottery will stand up just fine in the oven, microwave, and dishwasher for thousands of years. I make my pottery thinking of my customers and their families. I want you to know that this pottery will be around long after we are long gone. Enjoy using it at large family events or by yourself during a quite moment. I make my pottery to be handed down generation to generation. When you purchase a piece of my pottery, you are buying something that will outlive you. Think of the future and who may have a piece of you when this is handed down.
Mark Pratton: Master Potter... former President of Sacramento Potters Group: Art by Fire
One man making functional Stoneware and Porcelain Pottery in his spare time for over 30 years.
Please take the time to look through my website. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments. This site is a "work in progress",
so please check back to see updates as they happen....